Being deprived of Ramadan fasting & praying can become frustrating especially when it’s prolonged. It can be difficult to connect with Allah or maintain spiritual fulfillment.
It even gets worrying as to why this is happening, why you are being tested in this way when so many others aren’t.
But it’s not unusual to feel alone and overwhelmed during this isolating experience.
This is my personal experience, not being able to fast all month had me feeling down in the dumps. Throwing me off track in my productivity and leaving me to feel worried about the quality of my Ramadan.
I had to take a step back, reflect on what is happening, focus on what I can control, and do away with what is out of my reach.
Here are a few lessons that I’ve to learned this month as a woman and how to navigate spirituality during my menses.
Check out the full post on my Instagram below 👇👇

Holistic Muslimah
Good post!