With all the Ramadan productivity tips online, I feel its not always mum friendly.
My personal routine is below!
As a mum, I need something different because my situation is completely different from a non- mum especially in Ramadan.
Here are a few things to keep in mind when you plan to make the most of this month..
Everything we do in homemaking & child rearing is worship! So don’t fret.
Take small but effective deeds after the Fard prayers. Don’t underestimate the power of consistent small habits.
That’s where the real growth is.
Start batch cooking, freezing or meal prep. Whatever makes it easier for you, pick that and stick to it.
Also, pick simple meals for most of the week, then have one day to indulge or bake.
Why not Fridays? It’s our mini Eid of the week, so a treat is worthy after a week of restraint and work.
Even an Ayah is enough if you’re doing it every day. Keep wudu so that as the kids play or whilst their eating, you can sit next to them and read.
Keep Quran next to you in prayer so that you can read a few pages.
Did you know 4 pages after each Salah is a juz a day!?
Listen to lectures as you do chores, the kids play.. or take a walk.
Pick a book to read, a topic that interests you and read as the kids read, and make it reading time for all.
Even 5 mins is a win in #mumlife
The point of Ramadan is to gain Taqwa. God consciousness.
.. so that you may have taqwa”
Quran 2: 183
And that can’t happen with a distracted heart, bad thoughts or unkind tongue. Because it all reflects our inner turbulent state.
So whatever bad habit or wrong you work on is a purification of your heart, and that’s an act of worship! Both you and your family will benefit.
Make a list of your pitfalls and pick one a week to work on.
Get everyone involved in tidying the house before bed. It’s not just your job.
It’s a shared space, so the responsibilities should be shared, too. Get kids involved. The aim is to keep it livable and comfortable, not like none lives there!

My targets are simple but effective for me because that’s the stuff I need to work on, and that’s where my growth lies.
I need consistent small deeds that help me succeed in both worlds.
The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Take up good deeds only as much as you are able, for the best deeds are those done regularly even if they are few.”
Sunan Ibn Mājah 4240
Until next time, peace.