Are you looking forward to Ramadan but dread the symptoms that come with it? Planning is key to a successful month of healing for both body and soul.

Many of us will experience symptoms during the start of Ramadan, especially if our body is not used to fasting. But did you know that you can prepare your body to reduce these unwanted symptoms and enjoy a smoother transition into the month? Start by making small changes to your diet and sleep schedule in the weeks leading up to Ramadan. By doing so, you’ll feel healthier and more energized throughout the month.
Personally, I get headaches, bad mood, and very sleepy. And for along time I didn’t know that I could prepare my body to reduce unwanted symptoms and enjoy a more smooth transition into the month. Looking into how to prepare my body for fasting, also helped me to have a more healthier & beneficial Ramadan. As was intended by Islam.
What I mean is, fasting was not prescribed to us so that we could just be hungry for the most hours of an entire month!
Allah mentions in the Quran, He made it Fard so that we can achieve piety ( Taqwa is the Arabic word He uses- best translation for that in English is, God consciousness.)
Quran 2:183
So how do we prepare our body, so that we can optimise its ability for spiritual growth ☘️? Here are some things to try along with my own experiences!
Cutting Down Carbs 🍚
How does this help?
1- Better meals that keep you satisfied for longer. 2- Less insulin spikes means less hunger/sugar cravings. 3- Reports of better mood and reduced appetite; all of which are great if your fasting.
It’s not easy to just let go of carbs completely and the solution is don’t. It’s not bad in itself but how much and what types we eat are the issues. This is what’s important >> 1- Cutting down our portion. 2- Increasing protein, good fats & veg etc. 3- Choosing better wholegrain carb options and alternatives. Sometimes it’s about increasing the good instead of worrying about what to take out.
Reduce Caffeine ☕️
You don’t need to completely abstain from caffeine if you don’t want to. Everything in moderation is more enjoyable and rewarding. So, take pleasure in your cup of tea or coffee! Plan to take a break and relax while enjoying it. Avoid having it when you’re running after your kids, as it won’t be as enjoyable. Drinking only one cup a day has helped me reduce headaches, improve energy levels, sleep better, and experience fewer cravings. On some days, I may drink two cups if I feel like it. Reducing caffeine intake will improve mental clarity and reduce caffeine-related symptoms, making the start of the day more pleasant.
More Water 💧
If you’re not drinking what most recommend, 5 to 6 glasses of water, then it will be harder to meet body’s needs during fasting. It’s always more likely that we drink less in Ramadan due to time restrictions.
Drinking will help with lowering weight gain too, because many eat instead of drinking, mistaking thirst for hunger. Or just altogether forget to leave space in their stomach for water, because perhaps they don’t feel the need for it, don’t have the habit of drinking enough, or also just don’t know it’s hurting their bodies. So getting into this habit will bring many gains now and later. Drinking is as important as eating well- leave one-third for water.
‘..It is sufficient for a human being to eat a few mouthfuls to keep his spine straight. But if he must (fill it), then one third of food, one third for drink and one third for air.’
Ibn Majah
Snack Like The French 🍒
Many of us snack all day and everywhere. But it has become a silent and slow destroyer of good health. Due to the empty calories / sugar and all of the processed added things I can never remember the name of.
Okay, but I am an optimist here so it is not all doom and gloom. There are always things we can do >> 1- have better alternatives, make quick snacks at home. 2- have it once a day, like the French! Make it between the longest hours of 2 meals when you’re likely hungry. The health benefits and easing into a pleasant, hungry state will help prepare the body for Ramadan.
Sleeping In After Fajr 💤
Yes, sleep in with the kids, spend some time in bed snuggling, reading, playing bed friendly games…
Of course, not till noon because the month is not for sleeping, and probably not always possible for busy mums. But what’s the harm, if you’ve had a long Suhoor then Fajr then Quran… once we do our Fard there is no harm in a little rest. This can rejuvenate us to tackle more later.
In order to do this, it means getting into bed at a good time, waking up for Fajr, reading the Quran even if it’s an Ayah. Yes, a Verse. Because that’s better than nothing. But ofocurse you want to acheive more as it’s Ramadan, so definitely make a timetable for that.
Regardless, the aim is the Fard Fajr and some Quran if possible so that we can be from those mentioned in this Ayah..
Verily, the recitation of the Quran in the early dawn is ever witnessed (attended by the angels in charge of mankind of the day and the night).”
Al-Isra 17:78
Sleep, Just Sleep 😴 🚀
As mothers, getting a good night’s sleep is incredibly important. It sets the tone for the day ahead, allowing us to wake up feeling refreshed, with a clear mind and positive energy. With so much on our plates, from taking care of our children to running errands, cooking, and even trying to get some fresh air, it’s essential that we prioritize getting enough rest. Only then can we tackle our daily responsibilities with a good mood and the energy we need.
I’ll be posting soon about why sleep is so important for mums as many of us are struggling with it, myself included.
Anyway, we deserve to enjoy the month and not feel like we’re dragging our feet through it. Getting our sleep somewhat sorted beforehand will also ensure that we have a more productive, purposeful Ramadan. Not one that comes and goes, and we have the same regrets as the last one.
Our faith and Lord deserve better from us. With a clearer mind and good mood, we can plan to be more productive and mindful in our home, children, and most importantly, worship. The whole day is worship, so imagine the rewards it can bring with a little bit more intentionality.
Let me know what your doing to prepare your body for this Ramadan..
Hope that helps! HM