Health and wellbeing aren’t just about feeling happy, physically well/ fit, or being wealthy and successful. It is a combination of the many different aspects we have as a human, physical/ emotional/ social/ intellectual/spiritual/ environmental/occupational. That is the holistic lifestyle.
The medical approach to health/wellness tends to see each of these areas separately, whereas in reality they are intertwined and cannot be separated.
A holistic lifestyle is the understanding that everything we do is interconnected/ interdependent. Hence it’s helpful to form habits that will allow us to thrive in all areas of our being.
Here are 5 reasons why a holistic lifestyle will be great for you:
1.Because you are a whole being and every part of you needs attention and care for the whole of you to be happy.
This may be the most important reason why holistic wellness is the way to physical health, mental and emotional stability. And simply overall satisfaction with who we are.
I strongly feel this is very relatable for most of us growing up in the 21st century as we are constantly bombarded with advertisements, social media, tv, movies, billboards, wherever we go, whatever we see.
Women’s bodies are being compartmentalized.
Parts of our bodies have become more important than others. They tell us to make those parts perfect or ideal…?? So, we tell ourselves to focus on our lips, they’re too small or our nose is too big or our color is just not right.
There’s way too much focus on our physical looks and not enough focus on health, mental well-being.
Or the fact that we’re human; beings with intentions and purposes.
What truly completes us is the good we have done today or the care we have taken of ourselves and others, and how healthy and grateful we have tried to be …
And the one way to achieve that is to look at ourselves wholesomely and work towards finding a balance between the outer and the inner so that we can be more fulfilled and happy with who we are right now.
2. It is the one way to achieve complete wellness.
Our minds and bodies are connected and there’s no way of ignoring that. There’s enough scientific evidence to support that what we feel or think has a physical impact on our bodies.
For example, read the effects of stress on the body / or how emotions can cause physical pain.
Knowing this allows us to take better care of our body whilst appreciating that our mental health needs attention likewise. Taking that on board and doing that intentionally will bring wholeness.
When your connected in body and mind you feel the completion and benefits of being in sync.
You find it easier to accept your body and work with it. Your mind paves the way.
3. It’s custom-made for you, as your needs are different from others.
Your body and life’s circumstances are unique to you. What you need or may be able to do, or can even afford to do is different from another even in the same family.
Being holistic means understanding what you need, accepting your circumstances, and how you can go about making what’s right for you achievable.
4. It’s a mindset, a lifestyle. It’s your path to wellness, and how you are your own competition for a better you.
It’s what you live and hope to have achieved into your old age.
It’s part of your character and your thoughts. The thought to be wiser, healthier, fitter, stronger, and ultimately your most complete self.
Making it enjoyable, because it’s realistic. You’re not in a rush to finish. Nor are you faced with unfair stressful challenges that cannot be tolerated, such as no sugar during the holiday season. Rather what would be more achievable and family-friendly is only a portion a day and no more.
Making holistic livyour lifestyle means you get to adjust to the unpredictability life throws at you and equally uphold your ideals, allowing you to reach your long-term goals.
5. It’s the only sustainable way.
We can all agree that what’s missing in our lives is balance. And as humans, this may be one of our biggest challenges.
We find it difficult to balance our food habits, in our entertainment( when using social media for example), in our work and other duties, or to be able to balance exercise versus being a couch potato and the list goes on.
Being holistic means it’s your journey, where you are equipped with higher ideals that you aim to act upon every day, little by little for a happier you.
This is what makes the holistic approach to your wellness sustainable; it’s realistic, it’s a mindset, it respects you who you are, how your body works, how you live, and even who you live with.
This is of utmost importance because what is possible for a college student is not the same as what is possible or right for a mother of 2.
It is that which we do every day even if it’s small that brings us lifelong sustained wellness of mind, body, and soul.